Are You Being Crammed?

by | Jul 13, 2017 | Telecom Jargon, TEM

The FCC defines Cramming as “the illegal act of placing unauthorized charges on your wireline, wireless, or bundled services telephone bill. The FCC has estimated that cramming has harmed tens of millions of American households”. In the just the years of  2014 and 2015, the FCC, and other federal and state regulators, brought action against the nation’s four largest wireless companies for billing millions of dollars in unauthorized third-party premium text messaging services. These “cramming” cases resulted in a total of $353 million in penalties and restitution.

Cramming is a crime of opportunity. As telecom service bills get more and more detailed and loaded with third party billing, additional fees, taxes and charges, it has become easy to insert unauthorized or unscrupulous charges.

The FCC recommends a detailed review of your monthly bill to make sure that every line item is valid and agreed to by contract.

The FCC has provided an informational web page on how to avoid or at least identify cramming. Linked HERE.

Teledata Select offers a whole range of services that will help you meet your business goals. Starting with a complimentary review of your current telecommunication bills to identify errors and find opportunities for savings, better service and more functionality. We also offer project management for new service implementation and infrastructure installs, including fiber and low voltage cabling.  Contact us for a detailed discussion of your specific business technology needs.


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