7 Essential Data Backup and Recovery Statistics for the Year 2024

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Managed IT & Cybersecurity

In an era where data breaches and downtime can significantly impact business operations, having a robust data backup and recovery plan is essential. Leveraging managed IT services can provide the security, efficiency and resilience your business needs. Here are seven critical statistics that highlight the importance of a comprehensive data backup and recovery strategy in 2024:

1. Nearly Half of Data Breaches Involve Cloud-Based Systems

Despite the perceived security of cloud storage, almost 50% of data breaches last year targeted cloud-based systems. Public clouds, operated by third-party providers, are particularly vulnerable. Ensuring data redundancy by storing information both in the cloud and on physical servers can safeguard your operations, even in the event of a breach. A Managed IT services provider can help you implement and manage these redundancies effectively.

2. Only 5% of Downtime Stems from Natural Disasters

Natural disasters like floods, fires and earthquakes account for just 5% of business downtime, yet their unpredictability and potential for devastation make them significant threats. If a physical server is destroyed, crucial data could be lost forever. Managed IT services can establish multiple redundancies, ensuring your data is safe and accessible from alternative locations, mitigating the impact of natural disasters.

3. The Average Cost of a Data Breach Hit $4.45 Million in 2023

The financial fallout from data breaches is staggering. In 2023, the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million, up from previous years. Costs include personnel to address the breach, downtime and the impact on customers. IT Management Services can help prevent breaches through robust cybersecurity measures, comprehensive incident response planning and regular employee training, significantly reducing the risk and cost of breaches.

4. Over Two-Thirds of Outages Exceeded $100,000 in Costs

In 2022, more than two-thirds of all outages cost businesses over $100,000 each. For small businesses and critical infrastructure sectors like finance, healthcare and energy, these outages can disrupt operations and supply chains. Implementing thorough backup and recovery protocols with the help of managed IT services can minimize the financial and operational impacts of such events.

5. Nearly 35% of Companies Experienced Irrecoverable Data Loss

Last year, 35% of businesses that faced data disruptions could not recover their lost data. The primary causes were a lack of backups, malware-related corruption and gaps between backup intervals. Managed IT services can implement proactive measures, including regular backups, multiple redundancies and continuous data monitoring to prevent permanent data loss and ensure business continuity.

6. Unexpected Outages Affected 37% of Servers in 2023

Unexpected outages are a common challenge, with 37% of servers experiencing at least one unexpected outage in 2023. Cyberattacks were the leading cause, but infrastructure failures, storage hardware issues and software problems also played significant roles. Managed IT services can provide a robust backup and recovery plan that addresses all potential causes of outages, ensuring your data is secure and your operations remain uninterrupted.

7. Human Error Accounted for 74% of Data Breaches

Human error, including social engineering, misuse and mistakes was responsible for 74% of data breaches last year. This highlights the critical need for regular cybersecurity training for employees, especially those working remotely. Managed IT services can offer ongoing training and support to help your team recognize and avoid phishing and social engineering attacks, reducing the risk of human error leading to a breach.

Enhance Uptime and Resiliency with Managed IT Services

The question isn’t if your business will face data breaches or downtime, but when a multifaceted data backup and recovery plan is essential for quick recovery and continuity. Managed IT services can provide comprehensive solutions, including on-site and cloud-based backups, ensuring your data is secure, redundant and easily recoverable.

At Teledata, we understand the vital importance of keeping your business online and protecting your data. Our Managed Backup hybrid solution offers enhanced security, flexibility and redundancy, potentially saving your business millions in the event of a data incident. Contact us today to start fortifying your data backup and recovery strategy.

John Hagan

John Hagan, founder and CEO of TeleData Select, leads a managed IT and data company based in Atlanta, GA, serving clients across the US and internationally. The company uses a hybrid collaboration team model that leverages a network of technology providers to help businesses find the right IT solutions at the best prices. TeleData Select offers complimentary telecom audits and assistance with managed IT projects to help businesses stay ahead in the evolving tech landscape.

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  1. Best Practices for Data Backup and Recovery Services - Cloud Cat Services LLC - […] approximately 35% of companies experience irrecoverable data loss during regular operations, with costs averaging $4.57 million […]

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