Are You Prepared?

by | Mar 5, 2020 | Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Telecom Services

I live out in the Seattle area for half the year. As I am packing my bags to head back out for the summer, I am watching the news reports about the Coronavirus outbreak there. I have also spoken to friends to get the real story on how it is impacting their day to day life.

The two big impacts that I am hearing about center around work and childcare. First, the bigger companies (and many others) are asking for as many employees as possible to work from home. Secondly, my nephew’s sHome Officechool has closed for a couple of weeks so parents are scrambling to cover day care.

Luckily, Seattle is a pretty connected city when it comes to internet access. Many people already are working from home and have everything in place to be productive. The school challenge is a bit harder to deal with. A good deal of the education experience is the social interactions that come with a day at school. Then there is the benefit of the having your kids in a safe controlled environment all day while you are working. Every parent knows that an unexpected day off from school throws the daily routines of all concerned out the window. Being out multiple days has an unimaginable impact.

I am not an alarmist. I trust that everyone on all sides of this are doing their best to prevent this outbreak from getting out of hand. At this point, the issue is more the impacts of prevention. Can your employees perform their jobs from home? If so, do they have the technology in place to get their work done. It is a good idea to test infrastructure and software from home to iron out any issues now rather than when they are really needed. Tests should include connectivity, application performance and data access.

With most people having internet access already at their home, getting them work ready might just be a case of increasing bandwidth and some telecom software installation. It is best to confirm your capabilities now by having your employees doing a work at home test. We can assist with connectivity, bandwidth increases, worker productivity software if needed.

Teledata Select offers a whole range of services that will help you meet your business goals. Starting with a complimentary review of your current telecommunication bills to identify errors and find opportunities for savings, better service and more functionality. We also offer project management for new service implementation and infrastructure installs, including fiber and low voltage cabling. Call us at 404-257-1502 to discuss your current Telecom Service Solution and what you would like to get out of it. Or send us a note via This Link to start a no obligation discussion of your specific business technology needs.

Don MillerDon Miller is a PMP certified Project Manager splits his time between Atlanta and Seattle. He has come to Teledata Select via Seattle, New York and Washington DC. His experience running small to multi-million dollar projects in the Banking, Software, Telecommunications and Insurance Industries across the US has given him a wide range of business.

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